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4.1 Premium List

4.1.1 - After permission to hold a trial has been granted and the judging panel has been approved, a club must prepare a premium list

4.1.2 - The premium list must contain the information as prescribed by the CKC from time to time. See Appendix B - Premium List.

4.1.3 - The trial-giving club shall forward one copy of the premium list to each of the following: the CKC Head Office (Shows & Trials Division); the judges for the trial; the local CKC Board member; and the local Obedience Trial Representative. These are to be received not less than 60 days prior to the date of the trial.

4.1.4 - When a specialty trial is held in conjunction with an all-breed event, it is the responsibility of the specialty club to separate its premium list data from the all- breed premium list and distribute copies as required, making sure that the event is clearly identified.

4.1.5 - Clubs are free to include other rules and regulations, as they deem necessary. However, if other rules are included, they become part of the premium list and will be enforced.

4.1.6 - A club may choose to announce 2 judges for a given class in its premium list. In such case the entries must be divided by lot, but no announcement of such drawing need be made to exhibitors/handlers in advance of the trial and no exhibitors shall be entitled to a refund of entry fee. A club may specify in its premium list that an exhibitor may designate on the entry form that his dog has previously received 2 qualifying scores or is not eligible to enter under one of the judges, in which case the trial-giving club must designate that the entry will be shown under the other judge. False information, however, shall be considered a misdemeanor and the exhibitor is liable to disciplinary action by the CKC

4.2 Catalogue

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4.2.1 - Each club holding an obedience trial must provide a standard catalogue, which shall contain such information as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. See Appendix C - Catalogue.

4.2.2 - No judge will be permitted to see the catalogue until after they have completed their judging assignment(s).

4.2.3 - Every entry must be printed in the catalogue. If errors and omissions on the part of the club or printers occur, the trial giving club shall provide proof that the entry was taken before the closing date.

4.2.4 - The name of the agent/handler must be included in the catalogue when this information is entered on the entry form.

4.2.5 - A trial catalogue shall not be placed on sale or made available to exhibitors, officials, members of the show giving club or general public, until 1 and 1/2 hours prior to the opening of the first approved event. In the case of a club holding two (2) or more consecutive trials, the opening of the trial shall mean the day of the first trial.

4.2.6 - In the event of an error in either the catalogue or judge's book which differs from the information on the entry form, the Trial Secretary or Chairperson may upon request from the owner/handler of said dog, correct the judge's book and marked catalogue to be sent to the CKC. The dog may compete in the class as stated on the entry form.

4.2.7 - A trial-giving club shall provide a complimentary copy of its catalogue to each of the following: officiating judge(s), CKC Board member and to each CKC Obedience Representative representing the electoral zone in which the trial is being held if attending the trial.

4.3 Judging Schedule

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4.3.1 - A club holding an obedience trial (either independently or in conjunction with a conformation show) must prepare a judging schedule, after entries close. It will list the various classes and the number of dogs entered in each class. It will also indicate the start time of the first class.

4.3.2 - Entries in each class may be arranged according to the size of the dog.

4.3.3 - Confirmation of entry containing name and number of a dog, class entered, and name of exhibitor and a judging schedule must be sent to all exhibitors once entries have closed. A copy of the judging schedule must be sent to the CKC Head Office, each officiating judge, the CKC Director and CKC Obedience Representative representing the zone in which the trial is being held.

4.3.4 - Any club which causes a judge to officiate for more than 7 hours (420 minutes), plus a meal period of not less than 30 minutes per day, shall be subject to an administrative fee as set by the Board, as well as an additional charge for each minute over the above time limit.

4.3.5 - The formula for the preparation of the judging schedule shall be based on the judging of 9 Pre-Novice entries, 8 Novice entries, 8 Novice Intermediate entries, 7 Open entries and 6 Utility entries per hour which will be considered a reasonable average. Judges should not exceed those averages during the period of the show's and/or trial's duration.

4.3.6 - The formula to calculate the time required to judge a class is: 60 min / # of dogs per hour for that class (see 4.3.5) x the # of entries in that class. (For example a Novice class with 9 entries shall be allotted 68 minutes). Trial secretaries shall prepare the judging schedule based on these numbers alone and must not take into consideration the possibility of absentees or any other influences.

4.3.7 - An overload occurs when the time required for the judging of all classes judged by a particular judge exceeds 7 hours (420 minutes). If the club chooses not to limit its entries and upon closing of entries there is an overload, the club may then:

    (a) Pay the applicable administrative charge for the overload plus the additional charge per minute (provided the judge has consented to judge said overload)

    (b) Appoint a different judge to judge the smallest entire class (by time) that will bring the entries within the limits. This must have CKC approval.

    (c) If a single class is involved, the entry will be divided equally by the drawing of lots between the advertised judge and the additional judge. Immediately upon receiving CKC approval, the club must send the exhibitor of each entry so affected, a notification of the change of judge. The exhibitor shall be permitted to withdraw such entries at any time prior to the day of the trial and the entry fees paid for entering such dogs shall be refunded. The club, in such notice to exhibitors, must also announce which of the 2 judges of a given class will judge the run-off of any tie scores which may finally develop between the 2 groups of dogs.

4.3.8 - All obedience trials held under these rules must be completed no later than 11:00 p.m.

4.4 Limited Entries

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4.4.1 - If indications point to a probable entry in any or all classes in excess of the club's capabilities, it may lim- it entries in any or all classes by prominent announcement on the title cover page of its premium list or immediately under the obedience heading in the premium list of a combined conformation show and obedience trial that entries in such class, classes or trial, will close automatically when a certain limit has been reached, even if the official closing date for entries has not arrived.

4.4.2 - When the advertised limit (if applicable) has been reached, all remaining entries may be assigned a position (by class) on the reserve list.The person making the entry shall be notified of his position on the list. In the event that the entry of a bitch in season is pulled after the closing date, it may be substituted with one from the reserve list up to and including the day of the trial. At the club's discretion, if the club is notified in writing after the closing date that an entry other than a bitch in season will be absent from a trial, the entry may be substituted with one from the reserve list up to twenty four hours prior to the trial. Fees will not be refunded for any reason other than a bitch being in season and to those on the reserve list who did not participate in the trial. Entry fees will be refunded within 10 days following the trial for those on the reserve list who did not participate in the trial.

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